The only thing greater than the thirst in the heart of humanity is our Savior’s desire to satisfy.
“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst… the water I give will become in them a stream of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14
It’s real simple: Amidst the epic brokenness around and within us, we are friends seeking the face of God. We thirst for God.
What’s going to happen these nights? Each night will involve worship, story, and impactful “outpouring” led by gifted leaders in our community.
But it’s about Him. We believe God wants to restore. Heal. Transform. Strengthen. In every way.
Please join us. Come if you believe. Come if you doubt. Wednesday, July 15 – Friday, July, 17. Swan Creek Pavilion (Airport HWY Side).
Bring a chair or blanket. We respect social distancing. As we pray in confidence for faith to overcome fear, for an end to COVID and every other disease that afflicts us, we honor the legitimate requests of our governing authorities.
Lord Jesus Christ, awaken us to our thirst. May we respond to Your Voice, beckoning us to be flooded with streams of Living Water. (Called to team? Please go here.)
Hourly Schedule
NIGHT 1: WEDNESDAY | July 15, 2020
- 6:00P - 6:30P
- Fun Music
- Live
- 6:30P - 7:00P
- Worship
- Todd Thomas
- 7:10P - 7:30P
- Story
- 7:30P - 8:30P
- Worship & Outpouring
- Todd Thomas
NIGHT 2: Thursday | July 16, 2020
- 6:00P - 6:30P
- Fun Music
- Live
- 6:30P - 7:00P
- Worship
- Family Christian Center Worship
- 7:10P - 7:30P
- Story
- Heather Beaufils
- 7:30P - 8:30P
- Worship & Outpouring
- Pastor "Igor" Beaufils
NIGHT 3: Friday | July 17, 2020
- 6:00P - 6:30P
- Fun Music
- Live
- 6:30P - 7:00P
- Worship
- Paul Austin
- 7:10P - 7:30P
- Story
- David Cuppett
- 7:30P - 7:45P
- Worship
- Paul Austin
- 7:45P - 8:30P
- Outpouring
- David Cuppett