LISTEN NOW: FRIDAY NIGHT REVIVAL (#1) 9/11 Worship. Story. Prayer. Prophecy.

NIGHT ONE of our FRIDAY NIGHT REVIVAL was very powerful. The team comprised of wonderful people throughout the city, across every race and denomination, brought the love of God to Swan Creek. We prayed for greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We prayed over team members. We prayed for all whom we might encounter.

So many hearts touched. Team prayer led by Barb & Bill Herzog. The evening hosted by Igor Beaufils. Flowing through the night with beautiful worship led by Stacy Herzog, an amazing testimony from a woman who spoke of God’s healing involving homosexual relationships to now being married 27 years with two beautiful children. Tremendous witness given to the power of the Holy Spirit in David Cuppett‘s stories in the streets of Portland, and with formerly-hardened men in prison.

Followed by prophecy over a number of people resulting in beautiful tears and laughter. Transformation.

THE OVERALL THEME seemed to be that God is aware of a profound pandemic of desolation. Too many afflicted by anxiety, fear… souls crying out. Wandering in the wilderness. Feeling lost. Estranged. Forgotten. Into this the Holy Spirit beautifully breathed REVIVAL! SPIRITUAL ABUNDANCE. Healing. Transformation. Awakening. We were were made for Him! He wants to be alive in us! He desires more than a fleeting experience He wants to PERMANENTLY DWELL IN US!

This is what we’re about. Missioned friends who have encountered God’s love. We can’t help but bring it to others. We invite you to join us.