LISTEN NOW: In these challenging times, Jon Kynard’s story is particularly powerful for all of us– a journey marked by words imparted by his faith-filled grandma at a young age: “Don’t just know who you are, know whose you are.”

Our first Prayer Place Gathering was very powerful. The team comprised of wonderful people throughout the city, across every race and denomination, gathered at Swan Creek an hour before. We prayed for greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We prayed over team members. We prayed for all whom we might encounter.
Over the couple hours that followed, you could feel a wave of grace come over the entire park. Some stayed close to the flags. Many forayed into the park. Virtually everyone was receptive to being prayed with and over. Many miraculous healings took place, including the ultimate miraculous healing of hearts: One man tearfully received Jesus Christ for the very first time.
This is what we’re about. Missioned friends who have encountered God’s love. We can’t help but bring it to others. We invite you to join us.